This Labor Day, working people in every corner of the Coulee Region have good reason to be proud. Labor is on the rise; we are marching banding together. Working families are refusing to accept business as usual.
The 128th Annual La Crosse Labor Day Parade, sponsored by the Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO, is scheduled for Monday, September 2nd, 2019. Step-off will take place at 10:00 AM from the corner of Gillette and Kane Streets on the north side of La Crosse.
For area residents, Labor Day is a hard-earned day off, and it is our hope that working individuals and families celebrate Labor Day by joining us as our parade marches and for the gaieties afterwards at Copeland Park.
Please bring family and friends to help celebrate the day with us.
The ten-block family-friendly parade kicks off our Labor Day Fest. After the parade, festivities move to north-end of Copeland Park with free games for kids (a “fishing” pond & saw dust pile), bingo games, meat and other raffles for adults – and other activities. There will be soda, beer, brats, hot dogs, and pulled-pork sandwiches available for purchase.
This year’s parade marshal will be Jennifer Williams and her son, Nate Terpstra.
“Our goal is to provide a family-friendly parade and festival experience for area residents while honoring all working men and woman in the area,” said Tyler Tubbs, President Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO, “and to remind everyone that real freedom is more than making a living; it’s about time to take a loved one to a doctor, spending time with your kids, and retiring in dignity.”
For decades, big business has tilted the economy to work for the few at the expense of the many. They have undermined family-supporting jobs.
Labor Day is a day to remember that the rights of working people have been won and sustained by a grassroots movement fueled by a desire and passion for change.
Together, all who labor have the power to create a fair economy and just society for everyone. And that means making voices heard loud and clear in Madison and Washington DC.
As we celebrate Labor Day, take care to remind friends, family and co-workers that all work has value.