33,000 members of IAM District 751 and IAM District W24 just voted by 94% to reject Boeing’s contract offer. IAM wants to get back to the negotiating table ASAP to get a contract that the membership deserves! This is Our Future and Our Fight. IAM District 751 and District W24 represent Boeing workers in Washington […]
Read More →Your Support is Needed: Stand with Boeing Workers!
on September 20, 2024in WWAFLCIO Archived Newstags: afl-cio, aflcio, America's workforce, Boeing, California, collective bargaining, collective voice, communities, contract, fair wages, families, iam, IAM District 751, IAM District Lodge 66, IAM District W24, membership, middle class, negotiating, Oregon, safe work, solidarity, stand with Boeing workers, Support, support these workers, This is Our Future and Our Fight, union, Washington state, working families, wwaflcio
U.S. Labor Unions Are Having a Moment
on November 12, 2021in WWAFLCIO Archived Newstags: afl-cio, aflcio, Bakery, Battle Creek, BCTGM, collective bargaining, Confectionery, Deere, economic, employees, employers, fair workplace, jobs, Kellogg, labor shortages, labor union, Michigan, political, President Joe Biden, safe workplace, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, union
U.S. organized labor is having a moment after decades of erosion in both influence and power, giving workers their best chance in recent memory to claw back lost ground. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, unions are finding they suddenly have the upper hand—or at least, more solid footing—when it comes to negotiating wages […]
Read More →The Senate Cannot Be the Graveyard for Labor Law Reform Again
on June 7, 2021in News, Western WI Newstags: afl-cio, Amazon, America’s labor federation, benefits, collective bargaining, family-sustaining wages, filibuster, H.R.842 - Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021, HR 842, hyperpartisan, Jeff Merkley, Mitch McConnell, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, Oregon, PRO Act), pro-worker, Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021, richard trumka, safe workplaces, unions, US Senator, Workers First Agenda, wwaflcio

By Richard Trumka & US Senator Jeff Merkley For months, the eyes of our nation were transfixed on a small suburb near Birmingham, Alabama Warehouse workers authorized the largest union election overseen by the National Labor Relations Board since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The name of their employer is on over 5 billion […]
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