Liz Shuler Elected President as Part of Most Diverse Leadership Team in AFL-CIO History August 20, 2021 The AFL-CIO Executive Council today (8/20/2021) elected Liz Shuler, a visionary leader and longtime trade unionist, to serve as president of the federation of 56 unions and 12.5 million members. Shuler is the first woman to hold the […]
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on August 20, 2021in WWAFLCIO Archived Newstags: afl-cio, AFL-CIO Executive Council, America, executive vice president, first African American, Fred Redmond, human affairs, human rights, ibew, Liz Shuler, Philip Randolph Institute, president, richard trumka, Shuler, Tefere Gebre, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas, trade unionist, Treasurer, United Steelworkers
Join the PRO Act Week of Action
on July 23, 2021in WWAFLCIO Archived Newstags: action, afl-cio, human rights, PRO Act)
This week (week ending July 24, 2021), the AFL-CIO and our allies are engaging in a nationwide PRO Act week of action, with a focus on in-person rallies at state offices of all 100 U.S. Senators. Find an event here and spread the word as we make our voices heard across America. You can search […]
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