Employees voted to ratify a new contract to end a work stoppage that began in early October. Kellogg’s workers ended their strike against the cereal maker on Tuesday December 21st after more than two and a half months on the picket line. The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers’ International Union said workers […]
Read More →Kellogg’s Workers End Strike
on December 23, 2021in WWAFLCIO Archived Newstags: afl-cio, Anthony Shelton, Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers, Battle Creek, BCTGM, cereal, collective bargaining agreement, Corn Flakes, Dave Jamieson, Huffpost, Kellogg's, Lancaster, Memphis, Michigan, Nebraska, Omaha, Pennsylvania, picket line, Rice Krispies, strike, union, Workers
‘We went from heroes to zeroes’: US nurses strike over work conditions
on July 31, 2021in WWAFLCIO Archived Newstags: afl-cio, America, California, chicago, Coronavirus, Corpus Christi Medical Center, COVID-19, delta, deteriorating working conditions, family supporting jobs, Heart-wrenching, Los Angeles, Memphis, Methodist University hospital, National Nurses United, Pandemic, patient safety concerns, quarantine, safe jobs, SEIU, texas, understaffing, USC Keck hospital, USC Norris Cancer
Last April people across America came out of quarantine each night to cheer the healthcare workers fighting to save lives a the height of the coronavirus pandemic. Sixteen months on, nurses around the US are holding strikes and picket actions amid claims of deteriorating working conditions and severe understaffing issues. Matt Robinson and Bobby Bluford […]
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